
Healthcare News

Is Your EHR Hurting Your Practices Productivity AS232435916
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently implemented major changes to the Stark Law regulations, most of which are already in place.
Discount EHRs to Quality EHRs Whats the Difference AS299236053
As of March 1st, 2021, UnitedHealthcare has made several updates to their reimbursement policy for Advanced Practice Health Care Providers. The previous policy change was made on April 13th, 2020 when the word “Commercial” was added to the policy header. 
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After some delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the final set of guidelines that will govern the Medicare payment system for 2021.
HIS Coding Changes
If you work with a healthcare practice, you know that proper coding practices are key to efficiency and acceptance of submissions by insurance carriers. Each member of your orthopedic or radiology practice who plays a role in the coding process should be aware of proper tips and relevant updates to coding requirements, so that your practice can continue to run as smoothly and successfully as possible even after your patient has walked out the front door.
UHC will update their policy on the treatment with Sodium Hyaluronate effective 10/1/19.
overdue medical bill beside empty wallet
At HIS, we are always paying attention to the latest news of the healthcare industry. This includes monitoring healthcare-related legislation that may be circulating in the highest levels of the government, and right now, the focus is on surprise medical billing.
hand stacking coins in front of stethoscope
As of early October, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) began to implement the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement - Advanced Model. This model builds upon the BPCI that ended on September 30th, and will run until the end of 2023.
ICD-10 Code and Policy Updates
Running an orthopedic practice means that you must always be aware of changes to coding and policy in the industry, so that the information you submit and care you provide is up to date, accurate, and abides by all necessary rules and regulations.
Emergency Room Sign at Hospital
In recent months, CMS issued the 2018 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) final rule. This, in effect, changes the rates and quality provisions for 2018.
What are QPP Tools? QPP stands for Quality Payment Program. The Quality Payment Program was designed to improve Medicare by helping physicians focus on the quality of care over service volume. Prior to 2015, physicians were reimbursed on a fee-for-service model. In 2015, QPP was introduced, bringing a two track value-based reimbursement system to replace […]
What is the CMS Medicaid Integrity Strategy? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed the Medicaid Integrity Strategy to combat abuse, fraud, and the waste of Medicaid dollars. The Medicaid Integrity Program was the first comprehensive Federal strategy aimed at combating the abuse of the Medicaid program. This program aims to keep Medicaid […]
The lifeblood of your orthopedic practice exists in how well your revenue is managed. Accuracy means everything and it’s essential to your bottom line. There’s no better solution than keeping your internal operations of your practice at peak efficiency and having employees well versed in the industry’s orthopedic billing codes.