
Healthcare Organizations

clip art of AUDIT
Correct documentation is crucial for physician billing to Medicare. Over the past few years, The Department of Health and Human services has been strongly focused on correcting and minimizing healthcare fraud. Currently, evaluation and management (E/M) services are under high scrutiny, especially CPT code 99233. What does this mean for your practice, and how can you protect your assets? We’ve compiled a list of three ways to prepare for random CMS audits of 99233.
Balance Paid Graphic
In 2012, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a rule that would require providers to report and refund any overpayments within 60 days from the date the overpayment was found.  As an orthopedic provider, you have probably received some of these notices from Medicare.  However, due to the amount of comments and extensive […]
Doctor Graphic
The Affordable Care Act has generated more interest in healthcare legislation than any other single piece of legislation to have been enacted in decades.  For the healthcare industry, the flurry means more sources to use in our exploration of this and similar topics that we’ve followed throughout our careers.  
Wrong Graphic
The process of switching over to ICD-10 has caused a lot of stress in healthcare circles even before many companies begin to make the change.  While the repeated delays in the mandate to convert record-keeping processes bring a relief to some, they also cause more confusion. These delays have generated a number of myths that […]
Female Doctor with Computers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued what they believe is the final version of the Place of Service rule for physicians effective April 1, 2013.  
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ICD-10 (International Classifications of Diseases) Coding and Reporting guidelines are provided by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of US Federal Government. The guidelines are aimed to be used as a guide for the official version of […]
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In less than two years the WHO’s new International Classification of Diseases (10th edition) will be implemented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), rendering the previous ICD-9 code sets obsolete. It will also, therefore, render all medical practices that have not adopted and implemented the ICD-10 code sets outdated. This will have […]