

The lifeblood of your orthopedic practice exists in how well your revenue is managed. Accuracy means everything and it’s essential to your bottom line. There’s no better solution than keeping your internal operations of your practice at peak efficiency and having employees well versed in the industry’s orthopedic billing codes.
Doctor Reading Graphs
Effective coding is the best way to fight off rising business costs in your medical practice. The procedural and diagnostic codes used to submit claims for reimbursements mandate how much your providers get paid for the work they do.
CMS Will End the ICD-10 Grace Period on October 1, 2016 Are you ready? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced that the grace period for healthcare providers is to expire October 1st, 2016.
According to a recent study by the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society, only 63% of ICD-10 coding is accurate. There were some common trends in this study as far as common mistakes people tend to make when coding. Incorrect coding costs both time and money, so take a look at these common coding errors made in ICD-10 to learn more about improving your practice’s efficiency.
3 Healthcare Coding Updates You Cant Afford to Miss
Healthcare coding is constantly in a state of change. Since ICD-10’s implementation, we’ve done our best to keep you informed and updated on all decisions, changes, and clarifications. Following proper coding practices increases the likelihood of prompt payment and keeps processing as efficient as possible. Below I’ve included a breakdown of changes and updates regarding […]
ICD-10 Coding Errors
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and Workgroup for Electron in Data Interchange recently released a report on ICD-10’s national pilot program. The results within this report found that only 63% of submitted ICD-10 codes were complete and precise. Although this finding occurred prior to the ICD-10 coding system being enforced on October 2015, […]
Doctor Typing
Since the conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10 in October 2015, there have been many questions regarding the switch. At HIS, we understand the stress and confusion this change may cause for healthcare providers and their staff. ICD-10 is much more complex than previous coding systems in effect for the last 30 years. Though change can […]
Survey of ICD-10 Tools
Physicians, hospitals and small medical practices are in a race to make sure they are in compliance with ICD-10 codes by October 1st, 2015.  Switching their systems over has proven to be a bit more complex than anticipated.  The reasons are that ICD-9 codes may have multiple mappings to much more specific ICD-10 codes or no mapping […]
Beginning October 1, 2015, the medical community will be required to switch from the ICD-9 coding system to ICD-10.  This change brings with it many tasks and responsibilities on the part of physicians and their staff.  Even so, there are apparently, many orthopedic practices and other medical practices that have taken little to no action […]
Payor Contract Compliance
If you are a practicing physician in this market, you may wonder why you are working long hours and seeing as many patients as you can, yet the amount of money you are collecting seems to be decreasing.  You cannot identify the problem and it seems as though your billing system is working.  Bills are […]
Delayed Graphic
The latest delay in ICD-10 implementation has caused both frustration and relief for people in the healthcare field.  Now that the official date for implementation is October 1, 2015, here’s what you can expect to see happening during this interim period. Healthcare Organizations Taking Advantage of the Delay The primary purpose behind the several delays […]
Wrong Graphic
The process of switching over to ICD-10 has caused a lot of stress in healthcare circles even before many companies begin to make the change.  While the repeated delays in the mandate to convert record-keeping processes bring a relief to some, they also cause more confusion. These delays have generated a number of myths that […]