

Optimizing Electronic Health Records AS273980947
We have received many inquiries on the reporting of telehealth codes due to CMS reducing the restrictions on telehealth services. As of today, these reductions are available for the diagnosis and treatment of any conditions and/or diseases retroactive to March 6, 2020.
Top Seven Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Medical Billing Service AS319526470
Insurance Carrier Updates Coding Tip for Arthroscopic SLAP repair and Capsulorrhaphy
The Difference Between Certified Coders and Non Certified Coders AS135715408
Those in the healthcare industry are certainly no strangers to insurance claim payments being delayed or denied. Practices facing this issue are at a great risk for losing out on revenue throughout each year, because it is estimated that around 25% of denied claims are never paid at all.
doctor managing healthcare billing process

Those in the healthcare industry are certainly no strangers to insurance claim payments being delayed or denied. Practices facing this issue are at a great risk for losing out on revenue throughout each year, because it is estimated that around 25% of denied claims are never paid at all. If your organization’s denial rates are particularly high, this issue is one that will need to be addressed and resolved so your practice can continue to serve patients and bring in revenue. One of the most effective ways to determine how to prevent such denials is to evaluate and assess your practice’s revenue cycle. Keep reading to learn more about how to conduct this type of assessment and how Healthcare Information Services can help optimize your revenue cycle for practice success.

HIS Coding and Insurance Carrier Policy
At Healthcare Information Services, it is our goal to keep those in the healthcare industry informed about coding and insurance carrier policy updates that may impact their everyday operations. Staying informed about changes in coding is essential for healthcare practices so that submissions are accepted as consistently as possible and everyone at the practice is kept in the loop.
HIS Coding Changes
If you work with a healthcare practice, you know that proper coding practices are key to efficiency and acceptance of submissions by insurance carriers. Each member of your orthopedic or radiology practice who plays a role in the coding process should be aware of proper tips and relevant updates to coding requirements, so that your practice can continue to run as smoothly and successfully as possible even after your patient has walked out the front door.
UHC will update their policy on the treatment with Sodium Hyaluronate effective 10/1/19.
doctor filling out form next to stethoscope
As a professional in the healthcare industry, you are surely aware that coding regulations are constantly shifting and changing. Whether these changes relate to the codes that need to be used for certain procedures or updates to specific policies, staying on top of these changes is the best way to keep your practice ahead of the game.
overdue medical bill beside empty wallet
At HIS, we are always paying attention to the latest news of the healthcare industry. This includes monitoring healthcare-related legislation that may be circulating in the highest levels of the government, and right now, the focus is on surprise medical billing.
Doctor Holding a Spine
Along with patient care, revenue generation is a key focus for all types of healthcare providers. Generating sufficient revenue is how providers and hospitals are able to continue to provide care and treatment to their communities, and different types of physicians are able to contribute in different ways.
Brain Scans
501The medical world is ever-changing and evolving, and the passage of time brings new opportunities for the advanced use of technology. Such advancements can have major benefits when applied to a medical setting, and a meeting of healthcare representatives in 2018 led to discussion and strategy development about how AI algorithms could be used in radiology.
Doctor Viewing X-Ray
Radiology practices continue to grow, but for several years, mergers and acquisitions between practices have been a topic of discussion in radiology. Although there has not been a significant increase in blended practices, it’s a possibility that still concerns many. If your practice is facing the decision of a merger or acquisition, here’s when it […]