

EHR Medical Records
As the use of electronic medical records (EMRs), now electronic health records (EHRs), becomes more prevalent, users are beginning to really understand their ultimate value and critical use. One of the most illuminating ways EHR data is helping out the healthcare industry is in their aid with decision making.
Cutting Costs Graphic
Stagnant reimbursements and rising costs make finding ways to improve efficiency a critical initiative for healthcare providers.  Documentation costs for physician services can represent a very significant expense.  Better billing processes and more efficient management of electronic health records (EHRs) could help turn the tide. Upcoming changes to billing and coding, along with the implementation of […]
Deadline Graphic
Edit: ICD-10 implementation has been delayed until after Oct. 1, 2015 There are just 300 working days left until October 1, 2014.  That date should ring a bell because it is the day that the tenth edition of the International Classification for Disease (ICD-10) will be put into effect.  If that seems like plenty of […]
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The US Dept. of Health and Human Services has directed the supplanting of the ICD-9-CM code sets, those currently utilized by physicians, medical billers and coders to report healthcare procedures and diagnoses, with ICD-10 codes.  Implementation is to be effected after October 1, 2014.  Its implementation will impact and completely change the current coding system. […]
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Making sure you get paid on insurance claims is a daunting task for any orthopedic office.  There are multiple reasons why claims get denied by insurance companies.  Many of them are easy fixes for office personnel, while others require time and attention or expert and detailed review by a certified professional coder.  The following are […]
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EHR implementation is less a choice of “if” than of “when” and “how.” With patient records steadily moving online, it is imperative that medical service providers stay ahead of the curve and implement electronic health records on their own terms. While EHR implementation will usually help your bottom line, the transition can be time-consuming if […]
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Productivity Focus of SRS-EHR & Unparalleled Customer Service Drives Purchase Decision for Group of 11 Specialists. This article originally appeared on All rights reserved ©2012 SRSsoft. MONTVALE, NJ – June 7, 2012 –SRS, the leader in productivity-enhancing EHR technology and services for high-performance physicians, today announced that Western Kentucky Orthopaedic & Neurosurgical Associates (WKONA) […]
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Healthcare Information Services is proud to provide SRSsoft EHR technology to a wide variety of medical practices. By partnering with HIS, these healthcare professionals have ensured they have access to a robust and functional system that maximizes time spent with patients and increases their efficiencies and workflow.
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Managing your EHR implementation is a decision that will affect you medical practice for years to come. Opting for a discount EHR can save you money up-front, but patient records are too important to trust to a company without a proven track record. The smart choice is to select a quality EHR. Unlike discount EHRs, […]
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Electronic health records (EHR) are quickly becoming a necessity for healthcare providers. In addition to making it easier to capture and store patient data, an EHR makes information transferable between institutions
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Ensuring that your practice’s medical billing and claim processing is handled quickly and efficiently is vital to your practice’s success and ability to provide high quality patient care.
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Optimization of your selected EHR system is key to healthy ROI and maximizing its potential benefits; however, it can take months for practices to develop a good, working knowledge of all the functions of their EHR system.  Best outcomes for EHR implementation occur when medical practices adopt a goal of integrating the EHR into their […]